About the book:

This E-book has 26 Micropoems on various topics which are
not bound by word, stanza or syllable rules and rhyming is optional. Each poem
has its theme based on the word with the corresponding letter of that days
About the Author:

Romilaa is an active blogger, who loves writing books. She
has written many awards and best titles winning essays, debates and articles
for newspapers-magazines-websites since she was a teenager. This is her second
AtoZChallenge. You can get to her blog by typing Novemberschild.com or Tweet her
My Review:
Micro-poetry is a genre of poetic verse which is
characterized by its extreme brevity. To make complete justice to what goes on
in her mind, the aptly chosen words don't just look beautiful but connect with
the deeper meaning right to your soul.
Of these 26 micro-poems, my favourite ones are: Earth, Ocean,
Quietness and Universe. The best part about these poems is the ease with which they
seep into the readers mind and how there is an instant connection there.
You can download the eBook here: The Three Flowers
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